Scrapbook compiled by Paul C. Rose, a resident of Ponca City, Okla., consisting of 235+ letters from 75 military personnel, written during and immediately after the Second World War, 1943-1946. Forty-three of the letters were written by Elmer B. Cole while serving in the 103rd Infantry, U.S. Seventh Army, in 1944-early 1945; later while attending officer training school in Fontainebleau, France, in mid-1945; and while serving as assistant camp commander at a German prisoner of war camp located near Viehofen, Austria in late 1945-1946. The scrapbook also contains a 23 page typescript of a diary kept by sergeant Alonzo L. Palmer while interned at Cabanatuan (Philippines) and Niigata-shi (Japan) prison camps, 1943-1945. A large format business ledger made into a scrapbook, the volume contains approximately 400 photographic prints supplied by correspondents, including images made by George A. Taylor, a U.S. Navy Seabee serving in the Caroline Islands. Also contains assorted military unit newsletters, magazines and newspaper articles related to the war. Of special note is a military history of the 2,600 mile India-Burma-China pipeline, constructed to deliver fuel to the Pacific Theater. The scrapbook contains a small collection of U.S. military insignia, 3 German armbands, and a small Japanese flag.